8 entries found
BMP-1 Irak BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: BMP-1 Saddam {{eval IS(origin country,Poland)}} BWP-1 {{eval IS(origin country,Czech Republic)}} BVP-1 OT-90 {{eval IS(origin country,Iran)}} Boragh {{eval IS(origin country,Rumänien)}} MLI-84 {{eval IS(operator country,Sweden)}} Pbv 501 {{eval IS(origin country,Vietnam)}} XCP-01 , built: 30.1.2020 , operator country: Iraq ..., origin country: SU Iraq Poland Czech Republic Iran Romania Vietnam China , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Type 63/65 SPAAG BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: T-34 61-K 3,7cm , built: 2.10.2024 , operator country: South Vietnam North Vietnam Vietnam , origin country: China North Vietnam , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank anti-aircraft , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
8 entries shown |