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Category topics 4-wheel

(Ground Equipment:) Vehicles
Parent category: drive-train

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336 entries found

GAZ-AA               BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: {{eval IS(origin country,United States of America)}} Ford AA else GAZ-AA , built: 24.5.2021 , operator country: SU ..., origin country: SU ..., kit manufacturer: Plastic Soldier , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: {{eval IS (origin country,United States of America)}} time(1927-1932) else time(1932-1950) , DBTyp: Model
Camionetta AS43 Desertica BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 28.12.2024 , operator country: Italy Germany , origin country: Italy , Material: 3D-Print Resin , kit manufacturer: MoBau-Factory , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Camionetta AS43 Desertica Camionetta AS43 Desertica Camionetta AS43 Desertica Camionetta AS43 Desertica Camionetta AS43 Desertica
Morris C9/B Bofors   BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Morris C8 Bofors 40mm , built: 16.12.2022 , operator country: GB Denmark , origin country: GB , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: PlayMoreIt3D , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck anti-aircraft 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1942-1953) , DBTyp: Model
Morris C9/B Bofors Morris C9/B Bofors Morris C9/B Bofors Morris C9/B Bofors Morris C9/B Bofors
ZU-23-2  on GAZ-66   BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: ZU-23-2 GAZ-66 , built: 1.7.2024 , operator country: SU Ukraine , origin country: SU , Scale: 1/72 , topics: anti-aircraft Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Kit Combination
ZU-23-2  on GAZ-66 ZU-23-2  on GAZ-66 ZU-23-2  on GAZ-66 ZU-23-2  on GAZ-66 ZU-23-2  on GAZ-66 ZU-23-2  on GAZ-66 ZU-23-2  on GAZ-66 GAZ-66 ZU-23-2
Su-Ki Toyota Amphibious Truck BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 16.12.2022 , operator country: Japan , origin country: Japan , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: PlayMoreIt3D , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Amphibious Truck Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Su-Ki Toyota Amphibious Truck Su-Ki Toyota Amphibious Truck Su-Ki Toyota Amphibious Truck Su-Ki Toyota Amphibious Truck Su-Ki Toyota Amphibious Truck
Ordnance QF 17/25-pounder Pheasant w/ CMP Quad, Italy 1943 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Ordnance QF 17-pounder (76,2mm) CMP Truck , built: 31.8.2024 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , kit manufacturer: Plastic Soldier , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Artillery Truck 4-wheel Tractor , aera of use: time(1943-1951) ..., DBTyp: Model
Ordnance QF 17/25-pounder Pheasant w/ CMP Quad, Italy 1943 Ordnance QF 17/25-pounder Pheasant w/ CMP Quad, Italy 1943 CMP Quad + 25 pdr gun Package
AML-90 mit BTR-60 Turm BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: BTR-60 AML 60/90/20 , built: 6.2.2025 , operator country: Djibouti Yemen , origin country: Yemen , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Kit Combination
AML-90 mit BTR-60 Turm AML-90 mit BTR-60 Turm AML-90 mit BTR-60 Turm AML-90 Israel BTR-60PB
9K54 Grad-V (Gaz-66 BM-21) BaseVehicle: Aircraft Ground Equipment , base type: BM-21 GAZ-66 , built: 28.12.2024 , operator country: SU Belarus Ukraine Iraq , origin country: SU , Material: 3D-Print Resin , kit manufacturer: MoBau-Factory , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Artillery guided missile Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
9K54 Grad-V (Gaz-66 BM-21) 9K54 Grad-V (Gaz-66 BM-21) 9K54 Grad-V (Gaz-66 BM-21) 9K54 Grad-V (Gaz-66 BM-21) 9K54 Grad-V (Gaz-66 BM-21)
Tankwagen-Anhänger Luftwaffe AH454 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 7.6.2013 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Matador Models , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank truck Trailer 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Tankwagen-Anhänger Luftwaffe AH454 Tankwagen-Anhänger Luftwaffe AH454
Type 65 AA on Shacman SX truck BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: 61-K 3,7cm Shacman SX , built: 24.9.2024 , operator country: Chad , origin country: China , Scale: 1/72 , topics: anti-aircraft Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Kit Combination
Type 65 AA on Shacman SX truck Type 65 AA on Shacman SX truck GAZ-66 Type 65 AA gun 37mm Zwilling
Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf. B (4-Rad) BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Sd.Kfz.247 , built: 23.9.2017 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Shapeways Decapod Models , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf. B (4-Rad) Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf. B (4-Rad) Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf. B (4-Rad) Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf. B (4-Rad) Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf. B (4-Rad)
GAZ-66               BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 1.7.2024 , operator country: Afghanistan Angola Armenia Bulgaria China Cuba Egypt Georgia Guinea Hungary Iran Iraq Libya Moldova North Korea Lao Poland Syria Romania SU Transnistria Ukraine Vietnam Finland Germany Palestine Lebanon , origin country: SU , Material: 3D-Print Resin , kit manufacturer: PatrickMiniatures , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1964-heute) , DBTyp: Model
GAZ-66 GAZ-66 GAZ-66 76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3, GAZ-66 GAZ-66 ZU-23-2  on GAZ-66 ZIS-3 on GAZ-66
Ford AA              BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 24.5.2021 , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , kit manufacturer: Plastic Soldier , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1927-1932) , DBTyp: Model
Bristol Type 28 Tourer-Coupé, Ford AA, Thorneycroft 1,5 ton Parcel Van Ford AA, GAZ-AA, GAZ-AAA Ford AA Ford AA Ford AA Ford AA Ford AA Ford AA, GAZ-AA, GAZ-AAA Ford AA, GAZ-AA, GAZ-AAA GAZ Trucks
Fiat Polski 621L     BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Fiat 621 , built: 28.8.2014 , operator country: Poland Germany , origin country: Italy Poland , kit manufacturer: First to Fight , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Fiat Polski 621L Fiat Polski 621L Fiat Polski 621L Fiat Polski 621L Fiat Polski 621L Fiat Polski 621L Fiat Polski 621L Fiat Polski 621L
PzSpW Panhard P204(f) mit 5cm Kwk 38/L42 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Panhard 178 , built: 19.1.2019 , operator country: France Germany , origin country: France , kit manufacturer: RPM , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
PzSpW Panhard P204(f) mit 5cm Kwk 38/L42 PzSpW Panhard P204(f) mit 5cm Kwk 38/L42 PzSpW Panhard P204(f) mit 5cm Kwk 38/L42 PzSpW Panhard P204(f) mit 5cm Kwk 38/L42 PzSpW Panhard P204(f) mit 5cm Kwk 38/L42 PzSpW Panhard P204(f) mit 5cm Kwk 38/L42 PzSpW Panhard P204(f) mit 5cm Kwk 38/L42
Sd.Anh.206           BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 3.8.2019 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Jarfir Shapeways , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Trailer 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Flak 43 3,7cm Zwilling, Sd.Anh.206 Flak 43 3,7cm Zwilling, Sd.Anh.206 Flak 43 3,7cm Zwilling, Sd.Anh.206 Flak 43 3,7cm Zwilling, Sd.Anh.206 Flak 43 3,7cm Zwilling, Sd.Anh.206
Einheitsanhänger 5to BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 23.9.2017 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Schatton , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Trailer 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Einheitsanhänger 5to, Messerschmitt Enzian Fla-Rak Einheitsanhänger 5to, Rheinmetall-Borsig Rheintochter Fla-Rak, VW Typ 93 Sani Einheitsanhänger 5to, Rheinmetall-Borsig Rheintochter Fla-Rak Daimler DB L4500 S, Einheitsanhänger 5to, Messerschmitt Enzian Fla-Rak, Rheinmetall-Borsig Rheintochter Fla-Rak, Sd.Kfz. 9/1 (Bilstein-Drehkran 6to, früh) Daimler DB L4500 S, Einheitsanhänger 5to, Messerschmitt Enzian Fla-Rak, Rheinmetall-Borsig Rheintochter Fla-Rak, Sd.Kfz. 9/1 (Bilstein-Drehkran 6to, früh) Einheitsanhänger 5to, Messerschmitt Enzian Fla-Rak, Rheinmetall-Borsig Rheintochter Fla-Rak, Sd.Kfz. 9/1 (Bilstein-Drehkran 6to, früh) Einheitsanhänger 5to, Messerschmitt Enzian Fla-Rak, Rheinmetall-Borsig Rheintochter Fla-Rak, Sd.Kfz. 9/1 (Bilstein-Drehkran 6to, früh) Daimler DB L4500 S, Einheitsanhänger 5to, Messerschmitt Enzian Fla-Rak, Kfz 68 Einheitsdiesel: Fernsprechbetriebskraftwagen, Rheinmetall-Borsig Rheintochter Fla-Rak, Sd.Kfz. 9/1 (Bilstein-Drehkran 6to, früh) Daimler DB L4500 S, Einheitsanhänger 5to, Wasserfall EMW C2 Daimler DB L4500 S, Einheitsanhänger 5to, Sd.Kfz. 9/1 (Bilstein-Drehkran 6to, früh), Wasserfall EMW C2 Einheitsanhänger 5to
Dingo 1 ATF 2005 ISAF Afghanistan BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: ATF Dingo , built: 27.2.2023 , operator country: Germany ..., origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Revell , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Dingo 1 ATF 2005 ISAF Afghanistan Dingo 1 ATF 2005 ISAF Afghanistan Dingo 1 ATF 2005 ISAF Afghanistan Dingo 1 ATF 2005 ISAF Afghanistan Dingo 1 ATF 2005 ISAF Afghanistan Dingo 1 ATF 2005 ISAF Afghanistan
Daimler SOD: Sawn-Off Daimler BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Daimler Armoured Car , built: 14.9.2024 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , kit manufacturer: Hasegawa , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1944-1945) , DBTyp: Kit Combination
Daimler SOD: Sawn-Off Daimler Daimler SOD: Sawn-Off Daimler Daimler MkII Armoured Car
Daimler MkII Armoured Car BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Daimler Armoured Car , built: 14.9.2024 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , kit manufacturer: Hasegawa , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1939-heute) , DBTyp: Model
Daimler MkII Armoured Car Daimler MkII Armoured Car Daimler MkII Armoured Car Daimler MkII Armoured Car Daimler MkII Armoured Car Daimler SOD: Sawn-Off Daimler
Sd.Kfz. 221          BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Sdkfz 222 , built: 3.12.2017 , operator country: Germany ..., origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: First to Fight , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Sd.Kfz. 221 Sd.Kfz. 221 Sd.Kfz. 221, Sd.Kfz. 221
Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Marienwagen , built: 16.3.2014 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Zinn , kit manufacturer: Reviresco , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: WWI , DBTyp: Model
Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13, Fokker Dr1 213/17 Kempf Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13 Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13 Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13, Fokker Dr1 213/17 Kempf Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13 Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13 Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13 Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13, Fokker Dr1 213/17 Kempf Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13 Source Source Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13, Fokker DVII OAW früh, Ernst Udet "Du doch nicht" Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13, Fokker DVII OAW früh, Ernst Udet "Du doch nicht"
Sd.Kfz. 221 2.8 cm sPzB 41 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Sdkfz 222 , build era: 1 (Child, 60/70s) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Airfix , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Sd.Kfz. 221 2.8 cm sPzB 41 Sd.Kfz. 221 2.8 cm sPzB 41 Sd.Kfz.7, Sd.Kfz. 221 2.8 cm sPzB 41 Sd.Kfz. 6/3 Diana, Sd.Kfz. 221 2.8 cm sPzB 41 Sd.Kfz. 221 2.8 cm sPzB 41, VW Typ 82 Kübelwagen
BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: BRDM-2 UB-16 , built: 1.11.2022 , operator country: Taliban ..., origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan, Taliban (12er Set Kämpfer) BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan, Taliban (12er Set Kämpfer) BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan, Taliban (12er Set Kämpfer) BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan, Taliban (12er Set Kämpfer) BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BRDM-2, BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan Suchoi Su25K
BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 1.11.2022 , operator country: Romania , origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot  BRDM-2, BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan
ZIS-3 on GAZ-66      BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: ZIS-3 GAZ-66 , built: 1.7.2024 , operator country: Syria Lebanon , origin country: Syria , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Artillery Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Kit Combination
ZIS-3 on GAZ-66 ZIS-3 on GAZ-66 ZIS-3 on GAZ-66 ZIS-3 on GAZ-66 ZIS-3 on GAZ-66 ZIS-3 on GAZ-66 GAZ-66 76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3
AML-90 Israel        BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: AML 60/90/20 AML Panhard 4x4 , built: 6.2.2025 , operator country: Israel ..., origin country: France , Material: 3D-Print Resin , kit manufacturer: SSModel , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1960-heute) , DBTyp: Model
AML-90 Israel AML-90 Israel AML-90 Israel AML-90 Israel BTR-60 mit AML-90 Turm AML-90 mit BTR-60 Turm
Austin Armoured Car 1914 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Austin AC , built: 20.7.2020 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , Material: Metall , kit manufacturer: Reviresco , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle Multi-Turrets 4-wheel , aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Austin Armoured Car 1914 Austin Armoured Car 1914 Austin Armoured Car 1914 Austin Armoured Car 1914 Austin Armoured Car 1914
Maschinensatz für Flak BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 27.6.2018 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , Scale: 1/72 , topics: anti-aircraft Trailer 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Maschinensatz für Flak
M3A1 White Scout Car BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 10.3.2018 , operator country: United States of America ..., origin country: United States of America , Material: Metall Fertigmodell , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
M3A1 White Scout Car M3A1 White Scout Car M3A1 White Scout Car M3A1 White Scout Car M3A1 White Scout Car
Ehrhardt E-V/4 Straßenpanzerwagen BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 6.4.2018 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WWI , DBTyp: Model
Ehrhardt E-V/4 Straßenpanzerwagen Ehrhardt E-V/4 Straßenpanzerwagen Ehrhardt E-V/4 Straßenpanzerwagen Ehrhardt E-V/4 Straßenpanzerwagen
AEC 4x4 ACV "Dorcester": Mammut(e) "Max" BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: AEC Matador , built: 10.11.2017 , operator country: Germany , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell Metall , kit manufacturer: Oxford , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Truck Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
AEC 4x4 ACV "Dorcester": Mammut(e) "Max" AEC 4x4 ACV "Dorcester": Mammut(e) "Max" AEC 4x4 ACV "Dorcester": Mammut(e) "Max" AEC 4x4 ACV "Dorcester": Mammut(e) "Max" AEC 4x4 ACV "Dorcester": Mammut(e) "Max"
Fiat 15ter  (Ethiopia 1939/1940) BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: {{eval IS(operator country,SU)}} AMO-F-15 ZIL F-15 else Fiat 15 , built: 29.12.2021 , operator country: Italy Germany SU , origin country: Italy SU , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Model 3D INT , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Fiat 15ter  (Ethiopia 1939/1940), Italian Tankmen, Artillery Crew Arabische Frauen No. 2, Arabische Kamelreiter, Autocarretta OM58 Mod 35  (OM35), Carro Armato M13/40 TOOLS TANK, Carro Armato M14/41 II SERIE, Fiat 15ter  (Ethiopia 1939/1940), Italian Tankmen, Artillery Crew, Wüstenhaus Fiat 15ter  (Ethiopia 1939/1940), Italian Tankmen, Artillery Crew Autocarretta OM58 Mod 35  (OM35), Carro Armato M13/40 TOOLS TANK, Carro Armato M14/41 II SERIE, Fiat 15ter  (Ethiopia 1939/1940), Italian Tankmen, Artillery Crew Autocarretta OM58 Mod 35  (OM35), Carro Armato M13/40 TOOLS TANK, Fiat 15ter  (Ethiopia 1939/1940), Italian Tankmen, Artillery Crew Fiat 15ter  (Ethiopia 1939/1940), Italian Tankmen, Artillery Crew Fiat 15ter  (Ethiopia 1939/1940)
JCB HMEE Pionier-Bagger BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 24.2.2024 , operator country: United States of America GB New Zealand Sweden Germany Australia Belgium Denmark Ireland Israel Spain , origin country: United States of America , Material: Resin 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Badger 3D , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Engineering Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: time(2007-heute) , DBTyp: Model
JCB HMEE Pionier-Bagger JCB HMEE Pionier-Bagger JCB HMEE Pionier-Bagger JCB HMEE Pionier-Bagger JCB HMEE Pionier-Bagger JCB HMEE Pionier-Bagger
UR-416 PLO (4x4)     BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: UR-416 (4x4 APC) , built: 15.6.2023 , operator country: PLO ..., a/c manufacturer: Thyssen Henschel , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Model Miniature , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel ..., aera of use: time(1969-heute) , DBTyp: Model
Thyssen Henschel UR-416 PLO (4x4) Thyssen Henschel UR-416 PLO (4x4) Thyssen Henschel UR-416 PLO (4x4) Thyssen Henschel UR-416 PLO (4x4) Thyssen Henschel UR-416 PLO (4x4) Thyssen Henschel UR-416 PLO (4x4)
BRDM-2               BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 1.11.2022 , operator country: SU ..., origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
BRDM-2, BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BRDM-2 Syrian Police BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan, Taliban (12er Set Kämpfer)
BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 20.9.2022 , operator country: Ukraine , origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" Found in several Internet sources, courtesy not clear. This copy is found on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>  with the Link <a href=";topic=6451.0;attach=97559;image" target="_blank">;topic=6451.0;attach=97559;image</a> BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BRDM-2, BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan
Humber Armoured Car Mk.II BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 14.9.2024 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , kit manufacturer: Matchbox , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Humber Armoured Car Mk.II Humber Armoured Car Mk.II Humber Armoured Car Mk.II Humber Armoured Car Mk.II Humber Armoured Car Mk.II Humber Armoured Car Mk.II
Unimog U1300 4x4     BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 23.11.2018 , operator country: Germany ..., origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: S&S Models , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Unimog U1300 4x4 Unimog U1300 4x4 Unimog U1300 4x4 Unimog U1300 4x4 Unimog U1300 4x4
BRDM-2 Syrian Police BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 27.8.2022 , operator country: Syria , origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle Police Groupbuild Middle East 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
BRDM-2 Syrian Police BRDM-2 Syrian Police BRDM-2 Syrian Police BRDM-2 Syrian Police BRDM-2 Syrian Police BRDM-2 Syrian Police BRDM-2, BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BRDM-2 Syrian Police, BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill", BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot, BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan
PzSpähWg Autoblinda AB43 203(i) BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: AB41 , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Italy Germany ..., origin country: Italy , kit manufacturer: Italeri , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
PzSpähWg Autoblinda AB43 203(i) PzSpähWg Autoblinda AB43 203(i)
Panzer 202(e)        BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Daimler Dingo {{eval IS(operator country,Italy)}} Lancia Lince {{eval IS(operator country,Canada)}} Ford Scout Car Lynx , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: GB Germany Italy France Australia New Zealand Poland Canada Turkey , a/c manufacturer: Daimler Motor Company Lancia Ford Canada , origin country: GB Italy , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Panzer 202(e)
MAN mil gl 4x4gs KAT 1 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin Metall , kit manufacturer: S&S Models , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
MAN mil gl 4x4gs KAT 1
M1114 Up-Armored with M153 Crows II BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: HMMWV , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: United States of America ..., origin country: United States of America , kit manufacturer: T-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
M1114 Up-Armored with M153 Crows II
CMP Quad + 25 pdr gun Package BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: CMP Truck Ordnance QF 25-pounder (87.6 mm) , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: GB , origin country: Canada GB , kit manufacturer: Plastic Soldier , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Passenger Car Truck Artillery 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
CMP Quad + 25 pdr gun Package Ordnance QF 17/25-pounder Pheasant w/ CMP Quad, Italy 1943
Pz. Funkwagen PA-II(t) Zelva BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Czech Republic Germany , origin country: Czech Republic , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Planet Models , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Pz. Funkwagen PA-II(t) Zelva
Panzerwerfer 42 15cm auf Opel Blitz BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Opel Blitz 15-cm-Nebelwerfer 41 , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel Artillery , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Type Definition
Panzerwerfer 42 15cm auf Opel Blitz
Pz. Funkwagen 27(t) /  PA-III BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Czech Republic Germany Slovakia Romania , origin country: Czech Republic , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Air Czech , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Pz. Funkwagen 27(t) /  PA-III
Tankanlage für MAN mil gl KAT1 4x4 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: MoBau-Factory , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Tankanlage für MAN mil gl KAT1 4x4

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