336 entries found
Fiat CM6614 w/ M40A1 Recoilless Gun BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Fiat CM6614/6616 (4x4) M40 106mm Recoilless Gun , built: 10.7.2023 , operator country: Italy Argentina Libya Peru Somalia Somaliland Tunisia Venezuela South Korea , origin country: Italy , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Onkel Supermann (Man on taobao) , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel Gun , aera of use: time(1972-heute) , DBTyp: Model
GAZ-AA BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: {{eval IS(origin country,United States of America)}} Ford AA else GAZ-AA , built: 24.5.2021 , operator country: SU ..., origin country: SU ..., kit manufacturer: Plastic Soldier , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: {{eval IS (origin country,United States of America)}} time(1927-1932) else time(1932-1950) , DBTyp: Model
Camionetta AS43 Desertica BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 28.12.2024 , operator country: Italy Germany , origin country: Italy , Material: 3D-Print Resin , kit manufacturer: MoBau-Factory , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Morris C9/B Bofors BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Morris C8 Bofors 40mm , built: 16.12.2022 , operator country: GB Denmark , origin country: GB , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: PlayMoreIt3D , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck anti-aircraft 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1942-1953) , DBTyp: Model
ZU-23-2 on GAZ-66 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: ZU-23-2 GAZ-66 , built: 1.7.2024 , operator country: SU Ukraine , origin country: SU , Scale: 1/72 , topics: anti-aircraft Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Kit Combination
Su-Ki Toyota Amphibious Truck BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 16.12.2022 , operator country: Japan , origin country: Japan , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: PlayMoreIt3D , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Amphibious Truck Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Ordnance QF 17/25-pounder Pheasant w/ CMP Quad, Italy 1943 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Ordnance QF 17-pounder (76,2mm) CMP Truck , built: 31.8.2024 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , kit manufacturer: Plastic Soldier , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Artillery Truck 4-wheel Tractor , aera of use: time(1943-1951) ..., DBTyp: Model
AML-90 mit BTR-60 Turm BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: BTR-60 AML 60/90/20 , built: 6.2.2025 , operator country: Djibouti Yemen , origin country: Yemen , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Kit Combination
9K54 Grad-V (Gaz-66 BM-21) BaseVehicle: Aircraft Ground Equipment , base type: BM-21 GAZ-66 , built: 28.12.2024 , operator country: SU Belarus Ukraine Iraq , origin country: SU , Material: 3D-Print Resin , kit manufacturer: MoBau-Factory , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Artillery guided missile Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Tankwagen-Anhänger Luftwaffe AH454 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 7.6.2013 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Matador Models , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank truck Trailer 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Type 65 AA on Shacman SX truck BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: 61-K 3,7cm Shacman SX , built: 24.9.2024 , operator country: Chad , origin country: China , Scale: 1/72 , topics: anti-aircraft Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Kit Combination
Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf. B (4-Rad) BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Sd.Kfz.247 , built: 23.9.2017 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Shapeways Decapod Models , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
GAZ-66 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 1.7.2024 , operator country: Afghanistan Angola Armenia Bulgaria China Cuba Egypt Georgia Guinea Hungary Iran Iraq Libya Moldova North Korea Lao Poland Syria Romania SU Transnistria Ukraine Vietnam Finland Germany Palestine Lebanon , origin country: SU , Material: 3D-Print Resin , kit manufacturer: PatrickMiniatures , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1964-heute) , DBTyp: Model
Ford AA BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 24.5.2021 , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , kit manufacturer: Plastic Soldier , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1927-1932) , DBTyp: Model
Fiat Polski 621L BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Fiat 621 , built: 28.8.2014 , operator country: Poland Germany , origin country: Italy Poland , kit manufacturer: First to Fight , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
PzSpW Panhard P204(f) mit 5cm Kwk 38/L42 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Panhard 178 , built: 19.1.2019 , operator country: France Germany , origin country: France , kit manufacturer: RPM , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Dingo 1 ATF 2005 ISAF Afghanistan BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: ATF Dingo , built: 27.2.2023 , operator country: Germany ..., origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Revell , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Daimler SOD: Sawn-Off Daimler BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Daimler Armoured Car , built: 14.9.2024 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , kit manufacturer: Hasegawa , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1944-1945) , DBTyp: Kit Combination
Daimler MkII Armoured Car BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Daimler Armoured Car , built: 14.9.2024 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , kit manufacturer: Hasegawa , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1939-heute) , DBTyp: Model
Sd.Kfz. 221 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Sdkfz 222 , built: 3.12.2017 , operator country: Germany ..., origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: First to Fight , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Marienwagen , built: 16.3.2014 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Zinn , kit manufacturer: Reviresco , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: WWI , DBTyp: Model
Sd.Kfz. 221 2.8 cm sPzB 41 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Sdkfz 222 , build era: 1 (Child, 60/70s) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Airfix , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
BRDM-2 Rocket Pod Afghanistan BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: BRDM-2 UB-16 , built: 1.11.2022 , operator country: Taliban ..., origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 1.11.2022 , operator country: Romania , origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
ZIS-3 on GAZ-66 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: ZIS-3 GAZ-66 , built: 1.7.2024 , operator country: Syria Lebanon , origin country: Syria , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Artillery Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Kit Combination
AML-90 Israel BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: AML 60/90/20 AML Panhard 4x4 , built: 6.2.2025 , operator country: Israel ..., origin country: France , Material: 3D-Print Resin , kit manufacturer: SSModel , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: time(1960-heute) , DBTyp: Model
Austin Armoured Car 1914 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Austin AC , built: 20.7.2020 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , Material: Metall , kit manufacturer: Reviresco , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle Multi-Turrets 4-wheel , aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Maschinensatz für Flak BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 27.6.2018 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , Scale: 1/72 , topics: anti-aircraft Trailer 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
M3A1 White Scout Car BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 10.3.2018 , operator country: United States of America ..., origin country: United States of America , Material: Metall Fertigmodell , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Ehrhardt E-V/4 Straßenpanzerwagen BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 6.4.2018 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WWI , DBTyp: Model
AEC 4x4 ACV "Dorcester": Mammut(e) "Max" BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: AEC Matador , built: 10.11.2017 , operator country: Germany , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell Metall , kit manufacturer: Oxford , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Truck Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Fiat 15ter (Ethiopia 1939/1940) BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: {{eval IS(operator country,SU)}} AMO-F-15 ZIL F-15 else Fiat 15 , built: 29.12.2021 , operator country: Italy Germany SU , origin country: Italy SU , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Model 3D INT , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
JCB HMEE Pionier-Bagger BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 24.2.2024 , operator country: United States of America GB New Zealand Sweden Germany Australia Belgium Denmark Ireland Israel Spain , origin country: United States of America , Material: Resin 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Badger 3D , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Engineering Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: time(2007-heute) , DBTyp: Model
UR-416 PLO (4x4) BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: UR-416 (4x4 APC) , built: 15.6.2023 , operator country: PLO ..., a/c manufacturer: Thyssen Henschel , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Model Miniature , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel ..., aera of use: time(1969-heute) , DBTyp: Model
BRDM-2 Ukraine 2014 AC/DC "Shoot to thrill" BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 20.9.2022 , operator country: Ukraine , origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Humber Armoured Car Mk.II BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 14.9.2024 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , kit manufacturer: Matchbox , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Unimog U1300 4x4 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 23.11.2018 , operator country: Germany ..., origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: S&S Models , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
BRDM-2 Syrian Police BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 27.8.2022 , operator country: Syria , origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle Police Groupbuild Middle East 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
PzSpähWg Autoblinda AB43 203(i) BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: AB41 , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Italy Germany ..., origin country: Italy , kit manufacturer: Italeri , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Panzer 202(e) BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Daimler Dingo {{eval IS(operator country,Italy)}} Lancia Lince {{eval IS(operator country,Canada)}} Ford Scout Car Lynx , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: GB Germany Italy France Australia New Zealand Poland Canada Turkey , a/c manufacturer: Daimler Motor Company Lancia Ford Canada , origin country: GB Italy , kit manufacturer: S-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
MAN mil gl 4x4gs KAT 1 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin Metall , kit manufacturer: S&S Models , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
M1114 Up-Armored with M153 Crows II BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: HMMWV , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: United States of America ..., origin country: United States of America , kit manufacturer: T-Model , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
CMP Quad + 25 pdr gun Package BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: CMP Truck Ordnance QF 25-pounder (87.6 mm) , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: GB , origin country: Canada GB , kit manufacturer: Plastic Soldier , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Passenger Car Truck Artillery 4-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Pz. Funkwagen PA-II(t) Zelva BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Czech Republic Germany , origin country: Czech Republic , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Planet Models , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Panzerwerfer 42 15cm auf Opel Blitz BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Opel Blitz 15-cm-Nebelwerfer 41 , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel Artillery , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Type Definition
Pz. Funkwagen 27(t) / PA-III BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Czech Republic Germany Slovakia Romania , origin country: Czech Republic , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Air Czech , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle 4-wheel , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Tankanlage für MAN mil gl KAT1 4x4 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: MoBau-Factory , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank truck 4-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
50 entries shown of 336 |