107 entries found
Richthofen 1943 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Hans Albrecht Wedel class , built: 21.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Delphin , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Katapultleichter Heinkel BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 27.2.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Vagel Grip , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
SMS Stuttgart 1918 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Stuttgart class , built: 14.4.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser {{eval IS(aera of use,1918)}} Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: time(1907-1919) , DBTyp: Model
HMS Vindictive 1938 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Hawkins class , built: 1.6.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Argonaut , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser Aircraft carrier Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
HMS Springbank 1941 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Alynbank group , built: 30.6.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: WDS , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship Cruiser , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
USS Bainbridge DD-246 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Clemson Class , built: 31.12.2015 , operator country: United States of America ..., origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Delphin , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer ..., aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 ..., DBTyp: Model
HMS Highflyer 1899 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Highflyer class , built: 26.5.2016 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Hai , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser ..., aera of use: Pre1914 WWI ..., DBTyp: Model
HMS Engadine BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 13.3.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: WWI Interwar , DBTyp: Model
USS Barnegat AVP-10 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Barnegat class , built: 27.3.2016 , operator country: United States of America ..., origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship ..., aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
HMS Burwell H94 (1940) ex USS Laub DD-263 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Clemson Class , built: 21.5.2015 , operator country: United States of America GB ..., origin country: United States of America , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: WSW , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Destroyer ..., aera of use: time(1919-1947) , DBTyp: Model
PB-104 ex NL Valk BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 26.6.2016 , operator country: Netherlands Japan , origin country: Netherlands , Material: Fertigmodell wood , kit manufacturer: Uwe Hoppe , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
HMS Ark Royal / Pegasus 1914 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Pegasus class , built: 17.1.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Kimikawa Maru BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Kamikawa Maru Class , built: 29.4.2016 , operator country: Japan , origin country: Japan , kit manufacturer: Pitroad Skywave , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Kommuna 1918 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 4.4.2016 , operator country: SU , origin country: SU , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Hai , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: time(1918-1922) , DBTyp: Model
Schwabenland BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 13.11.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: CM , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
SMH Answald BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 10.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: WWI , DBTyp: Model
Phönix BS11 (1933) BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 9.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Trident , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
SMH Oswald FSIII 1918 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 23.06.2016 , operator country: GB Germany Japan , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: HLSchiff , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Ship {{eval IS(operator country,Germany)}} Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: time(1905-1945) , DBTyp: Model
SMS Prinz Adalbert 1904 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Prinz Adalbert class , built: 25.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser ..., aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
Notoro IJN Seaplane Tender BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Notoro class , built: 1.1.2019 , operator country: Japan , origin country: Japan , kit manufacturer: Pitroad , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship ..., aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
SMS Roon 1905 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Roon class , built: 5.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: time(1906-1920) , DBTyp: Model
Max Stinsky 1941 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Karl Meyer class , built: 2.6.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Trident , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Krischan III BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Krischan class , built: 21.12.2015 , operator country: Germany ..., origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Tri-ang , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 ..., DBTyp: Model
Krischan I (1934) BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Krischan class , built: 5.12.2015 , operator country: Germany ..., origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Trident , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 ..., DBTyp: Model
USS Commencement Bay CVE-105 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Commencement Bay class , built: 27.1.2016 , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Star , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Aircraft carrier Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Gunther Plüschow (Krischan II) BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Krischan class , built: 5.12.2015 , operator country: Germany SU , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Wiking , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Fl.F.205 Wettin BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 10.11.2018 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: PTDockyard , Scale: 1/600 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
BP31 / SP31 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 6.1.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Trident , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Fl.B 421 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Flugbetriebsboot B IV , built: 26.2.2017 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: PTDockyard , Scale: 1/600 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Falke Schleuderschiff BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 21.12.2015 , operator country: Germany SU , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Delphin , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Bussard SP21 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Bussard Catapult ship class , built: 13.3.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Niko , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Dristigheten 1930 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 28.5.2016 , operator country: Sweden , origin country: Sweden , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Mercator , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Battleship Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Chitose BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Chitose 1936 Class , built: 27.6.2015 , operator country: Japan , origin country: Japan , kit manufacturer: Aoshima , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Aircraft carrier Flight Operation Support Ship Cruiser , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Flugzeugbergungsschiff BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 23.9.2014 , operator country: Japan , origin country: Japan , kit manufacturer: Tamiya , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
USS Williamson AVD-2 ex DD-244 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Clemson AVD conversion , built: 28.2.2016 , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 ..., DBTyp: Model
USS Hovey DMS-11 1940 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Clemson Class , built: 2.1.2016 , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Authenticast , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Minesweeper ..., aera of use: Interwar WW2 ..., DBTyp: Model
Giuseppe Miraglia 1927 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Giuseppe Miraglia class , built: 6.3.2016 , operator country: Italy , origin country: Italy , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Star , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Westfalen 1933 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 6.6.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Wiking , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Greif B21 (1940) BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 5.12.2015 , operator country: Germany France , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Trident , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Schwabenland BaseVehicle: Ship , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: 3D-Print schematic model , kit manufacturer: Shapeways COB , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
SMS Prinz Adalbert 1904 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Prinz Adalbert class , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: 3D-Print schematic model , kit manufacturer: WTJ , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Cruiser ..., aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
USS Wright AZ-1 / AV-1 BaseVehicle: Ship , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Doggy Industries , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: time(1922-1946) , DBTyp: Model
Sirocco L9012 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Foudre class 1990 , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: France Brazil ..., origin country: France , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Gaga , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Ship Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: time(1990-heute) , DBTyp: Model
USS Borie DD-215 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Clemson Class , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: United States of America ..., origin country: United States of America , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: WSW , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Destroyer ..., aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 ..., DBTyp: Model
SMS Kigyo Tb 14 kuk BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Cobra class Yarrow built Viper type , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Austria-Hungary , origin country: Austria-Hungary , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Fpmodel Shapeways , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Destroyer Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
50 entries shown of 107 |