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Arado Ar396

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Base typeAr96
Kit manufacturerHuma
A/c manufacturerArado
Origin countryGermany (Germany:) List of RLM designations
Parent category: Europe
Operator countryGermany Parent category: Europe
Build era0 (not yet built)
Topicstrainer Parent category: Aircraft
Aera of useWW2 (WW2:) second world war
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [-])
Model Sipa10 (Ar396)
Model Ar96/Avia C-2
Model Ar96/Avia C-2
Arado Ar96/Avia C-2 Avia C-2 of the National Security Corps
Model Ar96/Avia C-2
Arado Ar96/Avia C-2 Several Avia C-2 were delivered to Hungary. The shown model has the rarely seen insignia of 1948-1949.
Model Ar96/Avia C-2
Arado Ar96/Avia C-2
Model Ar96 V-9
Dewoitine D520 bulg, Arado Ar96 V-9 The Arado 96 V-9 was a prototype for the bulgarian version, Differences to the standard B series were an open gunner position with a machine gun on Arado-Lafette Type K and racks for 3 bombs under each wing.
Model Ar96B
Model Ar96B-5
Arado Ar96B-5 Training school
Model Ar96T ( B-1 (T) )
After the Ar 197 did not reach series production, the Erprobungsstelle See Travemünde (testing ground for sea planes) tested six Arado Ar 96 B-1 for use on the aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin, equipped with a landing gear and catapult fittings. The unit probably was the II./TGr 186, the aircraft design...
Model Ar96B
Model Ar 96 1/700
Arado Ar 96 1/700
Model Ar199 V-3 Pantoffeltierchen
Arado Ar199 V-3 Pantoffeltierchen The Technical Office of Germany demanded 1938 a modern naval trainer aircraft. The Arado Ar 199 was the design for flight training complete seaplane crews. For pilot training therefore two adjacent seats for teachers and students were provided, while a radio student with the whole radio equipment took place behind. The machine resembled an Ar 196, ...

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For this model there is not yet a picture available. Check-out the main page or the gallery for models with pictures.

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Arado Ar96/Avia C-2
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Arado Ar96 V-9
Arado Ar96 V-9

A list of used references is in More topics/Literature
Information from Wikipedia is not always listed explicitly.