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Disney Planes Ripslinger

Disney Planes Ripslinger
Box art Disney Planes Ripslinger

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Base typeP51
Kit manufacturerZvezda
Origin countryUnited States of America (United States of America:) List of US designations
Parent category: North America
Operator countryUnited States of America Parent category: North America
Build era0 (not yet built)
Aera of useafterwar
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [-])
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class=P39 P51
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North American P51A Mustang Mk.2
Model P51A Mustang North Africa
North American P51A Mustang North Africa In 1942 USAAF Captain Paul Hexter designed a black and white dazzle camouflage paint scheme reminiscent of a WWI warship. While it was moderately successful, the application and maitenance of the scheme was labor intensive and ultimately not adopted.
The P-51 Mustang was used to test a paint scheme to confuse an opponent's perception of the airc...
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Information from Wikipedia is not always listed explicitly.