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M51 Sherman 1973

M51 Sherman 1973
Box art M51 Sherman 1973

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Base typeSherman
Kit manufacturerWee Friends
Origin countryUnited States of America Parent category: North America
Operator countryIsrael Chile Parent category: Asia, Latin America
Build era0 (not yet built)
TopicsTank (Ground Equipment:) Vehicles
Parent category: Armoured Vehicle, Ground vehicle, Ground Equipment
Aera of useafterwar
TextENM4A1 Hull.
The M50 Sherman (sometimes referrd to as the "Super Sherman", which is a myth) was an Israeli modification of the Sherman that served with the IDF between the 1950s and 1980s. It was to be fitted with the 75mm from the French AMX-13/75 light tank which in Israel was know as the M50 giving the tank its revised name,

The original M50 used M4A4 hulls and HVSS suspension but this was replaced in later models with the M4A1 hull, HVSS suspsension and a Cummins diesel engine improving off road performance and resulting in less breakdowns.

In the 1960s, 180 vehicles were upgraded and fitted with the more powerful 105mm Modele F1 gun with a double muzzle brake and re-designated as the M51 Sherman. M4A1 hulls were used as well as the larger T23 turrets for the conversions.

M50 and M51 Shermans served during the Six Day War and Yom Kippur War but were gradually phased out in the late 1970s/early 1980s.(208)

The naming Super Sherman is a myth.
BaseVehicleGround Equipment
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Model M50 Sherman 1973
M50 Sherman 1973 M4A1 Hull.
The M50 Sherman (sometimes referrd to as the "Super Sherman", which is a myth) was an Israeli modification of the Sherman that served with the IDF between the 1950s and 1980s. It was to be fitted with the 75mm from the French AMX-13/75 light tank which in Israel was know as the M50 giving the tank its revised name,

The original...
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(208) Text by McKeeman Models

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green: Very good source, only very few errors
black or blue: Quality of this source is not yet mentioned
orange: Good source, some errors
red: Source cmay ontain some true facts. All facts need to be checked.

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