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Operation Harpoon, Vigorous 12.-16.6.1942


Harpoon: Convoy from Gibraltar

Convoy WS-19z (GM4)
Burdwan† , Chant† , Orari xx , Tanimbar† , Troilus

Similar style RFA Olna (RFA Ol class)
Force X (escort)
C class
Cairo x

HMS Calcutta 1941 (C Class Cruiser)

HMS Ariadne (Abdiel Class)
Tribal class

HMCS Huron 1944 (Tribal Class Destroyer)
LM class
Marne, Matchless xx

HMS Legion (1941) (LM Class Destroyer), HMS Legion (1942) (LM Class Destroyer)
I class

HMS Impulsive (I Class) (1/500), HMS Inglefield D02 (I Class) (1/1250), HMS Ithuriel (I Class)
OP class
Partridge x

HMS Onslow (OP Class Destroyer), HMS O class (OP Class Destroyer)
Hunt class
Blankney, Badsworth xx , Middleton, ORP Kujawiak†

Base type Hunt class
Halcyon class
Hebe xx , Speedy

HMS Halcyon class (Halcyon class) (1/1250), HMS Bramble (Halcyon class)
Bangor class
Rye, Hythe

HMS Bangor J00 1940 (Bangor class), HMS Bangor class 1940 (Bangor class), HMS Bangor J00 (Bangor class) (1/1250), Minenräumer W101 (Bangor class)
Minesweeping launches (MGB, Fairmile B)
ML-121, 134, 135, 168, 459, 462

HMS Fairmile B (Fairmile B) (1/600), HMS Fairmile B (Fairmile B) (1/1250)
Force W (cover)

HMS Barham 1941 (Queen Elizabeth class), HMS Warspite 1942 (Queen Elizabeth class)

HMS Eagle (Almirante Latorre class) (1/1250), HMS Canada 1915 (Almirante Latorre class) (1/1250), HMS Eagle 1942 (Almirante Latorre class)

HMS Argus (HMS Argus CV), HMS Argus (HMS Argus CV) (1/1250),
Kit candidate: HMS Argus by AJM
Fiji class

HMS Trinidad (1942) (Colony class)
Town class
Liverpool xx

HMS Belfast 1943 (Town Cruiser Class|Edinburgh Cruiser Class) (1/600), HMS Sheffield 1942 (Town cruiser class|Southampton group)
Dido class

HMS Naiad (1940) (Dido class)
A class

HMS Acasta / Ardent (A class), HMS Acasta 1930 (A class) (1/1250), Similar type Caldas ex Douro (Douro class) (1/1250), HMS Codrington (A class) (1/1250)
EF class
Escapade (?)

HMS Echo (EF Class Destroyer)
VW class
Wishart, Westcott, Wrestler, Vidette

HMAS Vampire D68 (V Class Destroyer)
OP class
Onslow (?)

HMS Onslow (OP Class Destroyer), HMS O class (OP Class Destroyer)
I class
Icarus (?)

HMS Impulsive (I Class) (1/500), HMS Inglefield D02 (I Class) (1/1250), HMS Ithuriel (I Class)
Force Y (Replenishment)
Fleet Tanker
RFA Brown Ranger

Similar style RFA Olna (RFA Ol class)
Flower class
Coltsfoot, Geranium

Base type Flower Class
Condottieri class
Eugenio di Savoia, Raimondo Montecuccoli

Emanuele Filiberto Duca d'Aosta (Condottieri Class|Duca d'Aosta class), Giovanni delle Bande Nere (Condottieri Class|Alberto di Giussano class)
Soldati class

Camicia Nera (Soldati I class), Soldati class (Soldati I class) (1/1250)
Oriani class
Alfredo Oriani

Vittorio Alfieri (Oriani Class)

TA32 ex Premuda ex Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik class), TA32 ex Premuda ex Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik class) (1/1250)
Navigatori class
Ugolino Vivaldi xx , Lanzerotto Malocello

Nicolo Zeno (Navigatori Class)
Perla class
Malachite, Corallo, Onice

Similar type SMG Sirena class of classe 600 (Sirena class|Ital classe 600), Similar type Scirè 1941 (Adua class Serie 600)
Argo class
Platino class
Bronzo, Giada, Acciaio, Platino

Similar type Scirè 1941 (Adua class Serie 600), Similar type Tembien 1941 (Adua class Serie 600)

SMG Marcello class - Comandante Alfredo Cappellini (SMG Marcello)
Glauco class

Similar type SMG Squalo class (SMG Squalo)
Adua class
Alagi, Uarsciek, Ascianghi, Aradam, Dessiè, Axum

Scirè 1941 (Adua class Serie 600), Tembien 1941 (Adua class Serie 600)
Pietro Micca class
Foca class
Zoea, Atropo

SMG Foca class (SMG Foca)
Sirena class
Galatea, Sirena

SMG Sirena class of classe 600 (Sirena class|Ital classe 600)
U 77, U 81, U 205, U 431, U 453 und U 559.

U-Boot Typ VIIB (Typ VII)

Harpoon: Convoy from Port Said, Haifa

Convoy MW-11
MW-11A: Ajax, City of Edinburgh, City of Lincoln, m.v. City of Pretoria, Elizabeth Bakke
MW-11B: tankers Bulkoil, Potaro x
MW-11C: Aagtekirk† , Bhutan† , City of Calcutta x , Rembrandt
Rescue Ships
Antwerp, Malines
as AA ship plus battleship mock-up

HMS Ajax 1913 (King Goerge V (1912) class) (1/1250), HMS Centurion 1912 (King Goerge V (1912) class)
Flower class
Delphinium, Erica, Primula, Snapdragon

Base type Flower Class
Bangor class
Boston, Seaham

HMS Bangor J00 1940 (Bangor class), HMS Bangor class 1940 (Bangor class), HMS Bangor J00 (Bangor class) (1/1250), Minenräumer W101 (Bangor class)
EF class

HMS Echo (EF Class Destroyer)
GH class
Griffin, Hotspur

ORP Garland H37 (GH Class Destroyer)
Hunt class
Dulverton, Exmoor, Croome, Eridge, Airedale† , Beaufort, Hurworth, Tetcott, Aldenham

Base type Hunt class
MTB Elco 70'
Von Frachtern geschleppt. Drehen wegen Wetter um. MTB-259† , MTB-261, MTB-262, MTB-264

Similar type PT-147 Elco 80' (PT Boat)
Town class
Newcastle xx , Birmingham x

HMS Belfast 1943 (Town Cruiser Class|Edinburgh Cruiser Class) (1/600), HMS Sheffield 1942 (Town cruiser class|Southampton group)
Dido class
Cleopatra, Dido, Hermione† , Euryalus

HMS Naiad (1940) (Dido class)

HMS Arethusa 1945 (Arethusa class), HMS Penelope 1940 (Deluxe Edition) (Arethusa class)
C class

HMS Coventry 1940 (C Class Cruiser)
GH class
Hero, Hasty†

ORP Garland H37 (GH Class Destroyer)
JKN class
Norman, Napier, Nestor† , Nizam, Jervis, Javelin, Kelvin

HMS Kipling Mai 1941 Kreta (JKN Class Destroyer)
OP class
Pakenham, Paladin

HMS Onslow (OP Class Destroyer), HMS O class (OP Class Destroyer)
I class

HMS Impulsive (I Class) (1/500), HMS Inglefield D02 (I Class) (1/1250), HMS Ithuriel (I Class)
Tribal class
Sikh, Zulu

HMCS Huron 1944 (Tribal Class Destroyer)
Distributed Subs
Porpoise class
Proteus , Porpoise

HMS Rorqual (Grampus class)
S class

HMS Sahib S-class P212 1942/43 (S class U-Boot)
T class
Thorn, Taku, Thrasher

HMS T class Group III (HMS T class submarine)
U class
Una, Uproar, Ultimatum, Umbra, P.31, P.34, P.35, P.42, P.43, P.46

U-Boot SU Type V (V2 ex ex HMS Unbroken P42 U-class Group 2) (HMS U class submarine), HMS Upholder (HMS U class submarine)
Littorio class
Littorio x , Vittorio Veneto

Littorio (1941) (Littorio class), Roma 1943 (Littorio class) (1/1200)

Trento (Trento class), Trento (Trento class) (1/1250)

Gorizia (Zara class CA)
Condottieri class
Emanuele Filiberto Duca d'Aosta, Giuseppe Garibaldi

Emanuele Filiberto Duca d'Aosta (Condottieri Class|Duca d'Aosta class), Giovanni delle Bande Nere (Condottieri Class|Alberto di Giussano class)
Folgore class
Folgore, Saetta, Freccia

Lampo 1932 (Folgore class) (1/1250), Folgore (Folgore class), Freccia (Freccia class), Freccia (Freccia class) (1/1250)
Navigatori class
Antonio Pigafetta

Nicolo Zeno (Navigatori Class)
Soldati class
Alpino, Ascari, Bersagliere, Camicia Nera, Geniere, Aviere, Legionario, Mitragliere

Camicia Nera (Soldati I class), Soldati class (Soldati I class) (1/1250)
S 56, S 54, S 55, S 58, S 59 und S 60

S-Boot Yue 22 (dt. C1) 1938 (Lürssen C1 (S2 / S30) class)


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Last change of this page: Saturday 18 January 2025 16:09.



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